Still, this Spotify playlist makes me chuckle with the names of the songs on it...and lots of classics on it that I've heard a thousand times before but never would have thought they'd be in correlation with a virus that had most of the world on lock down for weeks/months (well, everyone but the state of Georgia, apparently or possibly the city of Las Vegas)...

Unbelievable, but I'll keep my thoughts to myself on this one. Don't want to upset the apple cart (too much) with my views!!
Hey, if you need a few more ideas to stay occupied or get your kids doing some simple (understatement of the year), check out this video (if you choose to participate in many of these, make sure you have GREAT health insurance and considering hospitals have bigger fish to fry right not other than treating people with injuries from being idiotic)...
Also, not sure if anyone is aware, but there is this program called Netflix that streams movies, tv shows, documentaries, etc. Shawna and I have been trying to find some stuff to watch together once the kiddos go to bed at night and we just finished a fascinating documentary...
"Wild, Wild, Country"...crazy stuff that many of you may have remembered happening. It was really interesting. Great couple hours of entertainment. We're now looking for our next nightly watch which we filled Tuesday night with my main man Ricky Gervais (don't watch if you don't like too much crude humor...although he prides himself on being honest and too be honest with you, I don't disagree with his stance that many people have become too soft and basically are too sensitive and blame there problems on everyone else except themselves)...
On the topic of finding ways to spend your time during the lock down, part of last weeks English 9 assignment that my students were given was a question about the best way to spend time during quarantine and I was once reminded about how insightful HS kids (9th graders, in this case) are. I think HS-aged kids often get a bad rap from society as immature kids don't really know whats going on in the world, but that is why I love teaching 9th graders (well, "teaching" may be the wrong term...may more like being the person that is "supposed" to be in charge in their classroom for an hour of their lives everyday at school...not sure how much teaching goes on). Everyone should have the opportunity to be in a classroom with them for a few days because I think the understanding of kids would change in terms of realizing how bright, thoughtful, empathetic, FUN, and truly caring they are despite what life throws at them as 9th graders in today's society and culture. The answers they gave to that prompt were awesome and blew me away (although I should have expected that) such as spending time with family, connecting with friends, keeping a journal of all the things they miss and have taken for granted in their lives, creating awesome videos for their class assignments, exercising, picking up a new skill, etc. Again, great reminders of why teachers love what they do!! When I first started teaching I often wondered why some of the older teachers were still teaching and hadn't retired even though they had well over 30 years in the classroom and were fully invested in the state pension/retirement system (i.e. I'll be up to that at age I didn't start teaching at 18...I won't go into the math). After teaching for 12 years now, I now have come to realize why teachers keep teaching, because they love what they do and love being around students. I can't imagine doing anything else (it helps to be employed by a great school system with great people to teach with). Sorry, there was my soap box speech for the week. I hope that other people enjoy their "jobs" as much as I do. Makes life a lot more enjoyable.
I guess that's why there are a lot of people pushing for the economy to open back up as they miss working (one of many reasons). I do appreciate businesses who are realistic about the situation and have accepted the fact it's just not safe to be open so they've gotten creative instead of just sitting around and complaining. Restaurants still doing take-out orders (my local plug today is The Farmhouse in Zeeland...we ordered some chicken wraps yesterday...excellent...I also need to plug Farmhouse as it's a Friday morning pre-school tradition to have breakfast there with a group of teachers/staff from both East and of the things I miss the most during the quarantine). I read in an article yesterday that many hotels are selling vouchers (The London House downtown Chicago). For example, you buy a $100 voucher and can use it for $150 if you use it AFTER a certain date. It's a way for them to keep cash flow coming in now to support their business and employees. Some restaurants are even selling toilet paper with meals as the toilet paper shortage isn't a true shortage, it's just a shortage for "at home" toilet paper because most people aren't at home as much as they are now and use bathrooms outside of the home when we're in normal mode, which has left places of business and restaurants with their stockpiles of toilet paper that aren't being used right now. Classic. Although, I have had little trouble finding toilet paper on my last two visits to Aldi...
Glad I don't have to use pinecones anymore or walk to the nearest port-o-john (I've been able to make a mental map of the locations of port-o-johns around Zeeland on my walks!! Also, an FYI, if you need a bathroom in Zeeland, the one located outside of the Admiral station on the corner of State and Main is great but there is no lock on the door so make sure you have someone with you to stand outside the door so no stranger, who no longer would become a stranger, walks in on you!!
Hopefully you all had a great Earth Day yesterday and were able to do something out of the ordinary to support the earth. We had fun making pine cone bird feeders!!
Pine cones, peanut butter, and bird seed. Easy peezy!!
Looking forward to some higher temps for some more outdoor fun!!
Choosing Joy from Valley Dr.
-Jeff/JC/Duffer/Coach/Mr. C