Tuesday, September 1, 2015

S Day + 1

Post surgery day 1 has almost come and gone.  We're hoping for about another 101 of these with baby staying put.  Let me explain.  With the surgery being performed, full-term is now at 37 weeks for us.  If baby stays put until then, they will perform a C-Section.  That is what we are hoping and praying happens.  Of the mothers that have had the surgery done, about 30% make it to 37 weeks.  About 50% make it to 34 weeks, and below that....well, let's just hope that we're in the 50% at 34 or longer. 
The reality is that we're at 24 weeks and 2 days.  One of our consultation meetings last week was with the head Doc of the NICU and he was very realistic with us for what we could expect if baby is born at different stages.  If our baby was born at 24-26 weeks, as would be the case with any baby at that point, it's a coin flip (50-50) for the babies survival.  He said the development of babies from 26-28 weeks is HUGE.  If the baby is born in that two week span, it's survival is still quite up in the air.  If a baby is born from 28-30 weeks, the survival rate is very high but defects can be very severe still.  30-32 weeks, everything seems to get better in terms of having some defects.  32-34, much less.  34+ is really when the baby will need to be in the NICU for a bit but shouldn't have any complications or defects that we are not already aware of.  In terms of how long our baby will be in the NICU all depends on when it is born.  They'll keep it in the NICU until the 37 week mark.  So, if Shawna delivered at 32 weeks, Baby Carlson would probably be in the NICU for 5 weeks.  So 37 has now become our favorite/lucky number!!  Dang.  37?  Most people have a lucky number that can be attached to something significant in their life but who have you ever heard of that says 37 is their lucky number?  So I linked what I could find above.  Click on it and now 37 has some significance!! 

After a long day yesterday with little sleep the night before, we were both looking for a good night sleep.  We shot 50%.  I was able to log some good hours; unfortunately the one who needed it the most and deserved it was unable to get it.  Due to nautiousness (yes, I'm an English minor but please excuse my numerous spelling and grammatical errors in these blogs....boy do I feel badly for the students I had when I taught English 9 for 3 years...probably why Zeeland English standardized tests scores hit a 3 year low when those first 9th graders took the tests as juniors...Sorry Colleen, Marc, Cal, and my English department colleagues) and the fact they're checking on Shawna every hour on the hour, her sleep is being interrupted.  So, needless to say, she's a bit exhausted.

Nurse Tonya, who has been awesome (no shock...who isn't at this place besides the girl that cam in to do blood work and dropped equipment all over the place, made a racket, and was poking Shawna all over the place to find a vein...I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and blame it on cold hands...remember, me peeing ice cubes?  It's still a bit frigid in the room....on the other hand (no pun intended) adjust, lady...Peyton Manning puts on gloves to play quarterback with the weather often being very cold in Denver, why can't the nurse to the same?) did come in this morning and give Shawna a bath of sorts on the hospital bed.  She even brushed her hair for her and put it up in a pony tail.  Apparently I was not capable of that job...probably correct.  Oh baby #3, you could be in trouble if your a girl and I need to be doing your hair!!!  Shawna did feel better after the "bath" but has still been feeling icky throughout the day.  She has been allowed to be put on a clear liquid diet (some juices, broth, popsicles).  I returned to the room after being out for a bit and she was chowing down on a blue raspberry popsicle!!  She was thrilled, and so was I when just minutes later she puked it up on ME!!!  Sweet.  Whoa is me, right!

The first pic is a selfie and the second was taken by me just minutes before the projectile puke.  Let's just say the other 3 popsicles meal services brought up are still stored in the freezer on our floor!!

This all occurred after an ultra sound and some scans done early in the morning to check on the baby.  All checked out great with the heart, other organs, and fluids around the baby!!  Shawna was able to (although it's a good thing yet painful for her) feel it moving around last night and this morning as well. 

Later in the morning we were able to FaceTime with Myles and Peyton.  It's been very hard for both of us to not see them but as I've mentioned, we know they're in good hands at home with Papa John, Grandma Janet, Papa Bob, and Grandma Sue.  They were taken care of today by a whole bunch of other grandma's with Grandma Sue's college pals.

The nurses took Shawna off of the magnesium around 11am which should help out with the icky feeling!!  Dr. Adzick (remember, the Michael Jordan of prenatal fetal surgery) came in around noon and chatted with Shawna.  I missed the meeting as I was out for another jog around Penn's campus where I found a career move in case Zeeland ever decides to show me the door.  There was a truck that had "INSOMNIACOOKIES"  on the side of it.  I did some research and they found out they deliver gourmet and specialty made to order cookies around the campus to Penn students.  I think I could swing it at Hope!!
Shawna did receive an unexpected phone call from her OB-GYN, Dr. Ulstad, last night.  We both were highly impressed with that and thought that was pretty cool.  We knew she was great, but that just solidified what we already knew.  For her to take the time to call was extra special. 
We spent the afternoon lounging around the room and watching "Good Will Hunting".  Gotta love the motivational speech Ben Affleck gives Matt Damon on their job site about not settling for the easy life and using his gifts and abilities.  Kind of gives me chills when I watch it.  We're now watching "Pitch Perfect"....Oh yeah!  I feel inspired to go dancing and singing down the hallways here. 
We're looking forward to tomorrow when Shawna's epidural and internal catheter are removed.  You know what that means....yep, she can get up to go pee (or I'll be cleaning up after her in the hospital bed...let's hope we're celebrating the first scenario!!) and she'll be allowed to take a REAL shower.  Gotta celebrate the little victories in a big battle, right? 
Overall, it's been a day of pushing forward on the journey.  We're hoping Shawna feels better tomorrow from any ickiness.   


  1. Carlsons,
    I have been thinking of you and have you all in my prayers. From one pregnant lady to another, blue popsicles and blue slurpies are SO GOOD!
    Love, Trisha

  2. Love you guys! Praying for you... Anticipate another video soon your way if I can get a little cooperation from two little ones! Gods live to Shawna and baby!

  3. Prayers for continue healing, keeping your spirits high, blessings for your boys and their grandparents, and for a good night sleep for the both of you!
