Friday, October 2, 2015

Back to NJ - Pushing 29!!

Hey Hey,
We've made it back to our 3rd home away from home to the Holiday Inn - Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  So, I think I calculated that since we first came out to CHOP for our first consultations in August, we've stayed here 13 nights and we'll probably be here a few more nights before we move into the Ronald McDonald House.  We were in our Haverford home for 20 nights so that leaves about 12 nights that we've been in Zeeland, and even less for Shawna.  What a whirlwind but an adventure that we're taking in stride.  We're thinking of naming #3 Nomad!!
We splurged on our way out of Haverford and took in a nice breakfast at IHOP where our boys were thoroughly entertained by the little sticks that fold/bend/stick that kids are given...and BTW, with the fall coming, everyone has their "pumpkin" flavored stuff....IHOP's pancakes are great (see pic) as we are also enjoying Starbuck's Pumpkin Spiced drinks, although McDonald's does put up a close second.

So, overall our transition from Haverford to Cherry Hill has been smooth.  Many people may think that moving from an actual home (with a gorgeous, open living area) to a hotel room would be a tough transition, which, yes, we'd prefer a home, but we've likened it to this:
Fish tend to grow according to the size of their bowl/tank/container/pool/whatever and that can be a double edged sword.  You get a big, nice tank, the fish grow huge but with huge fish come big issues as well.  See, with the big living area in the house in Haverford, which, once again, was such a blessing so please don't think I'm complaining, came some big issues.  The boys loved running around and chasing each other and trying to hop on the furniture (sorry Hall's, I think we aged your house about 10 years in 3 weeks!!) and with that comes Peyton "accidentally" bumping/pushing/tripping Myles which then come tears, kicking, screaming, battle wounds, etc.!!  Now that our "fish" are contained to a hotel room, they have to find ways to stay entertained that don't involve ramming around (and they love the "hot tub" at the hotel....large indoor pool that is like bath water).  Myles has started reading novels (see pic) and us 3 boys, when the energy level seems to be rising up in the room, make our way to the pool, where even Dad (why do Dad's always seem to be the ones having to get into pools, lakes, ponds, etc., no matter what the temperature is?) enjoys the warm water and the boys get worn out and sleep like hibernating bears and eat like (fill in the blank with something that eats a lot) _____________ (see pic).

So, really, the only issue out in NJ is the approaching hurricane, but our lives have felt like a hurricane of late so we feel very well prepared!  Bring it Joaquin!!  The weather here has turned, just as it looks like it has in W. Michigan....50's with rain and wind!!
We had another appointment at CHOP yesterday and once again came away with encouraging results.  Shawna and Baby #3 are both doing very well.  So far, so good.  Baby is developing as a normal baby should and is still correcting any of the issues that the spina bifida had created as much as it can.  Shawna is feeling better and better although her abs still are quite sore from the surgery but that is to be expected.  She's doing a great job of keeping the baby put and has made it about 1/3 of the way through our stay in Philadelphia!  The light is at the end of the tunnel as the nurse tentatively scheduled the C-Section.  We're not putting the cart before the horse, but it was nice to think about the end-game and what we hope occurs at 37 weeks!  The boys and I were able to go around the hospital a bit yesterday while Shawna waited for the appointment and it was another great reminder as to what we have to be thankful for as we saw situation after situation of families and children with much more serious health issues than we have and are going to be dealing with in the future.  Wow, some people with some real challenges and resolve to deal with them!!  My biggest problem was dealing with this (see pic) for about 30 minutes!!
Don't feel bad for Myles, though.  He started it and is actually starting to be quite the little instigator but also able to hold his own with Peyton!!
They also think going to the hospital is fun as they get to ride on Mommy.  I'm sure that feels great on her incision!! 
Ironically, it is Spina Bifida Awareness month!  We feel that we've become VERY aware.  So, we'll celebrate (I think) that and try to become more aware (if that is possible).  It is the weekend, though, and that means another Northwestern game, Broncos game, and a visit from Chad, Kathi, Brielle, and Bryce....look out Holiday Inn - Cherry Hill.  Hopefully we don't get kicked out. 
Thanks for reading and all of the support. 



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